Internal jugular thrombosis post venoplasty for CCSVI

Epub ahead of printThapar et al. Internal jugular thrombosis post venoplasty for chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency. Phlebology. 2011 Jul 29. 

A single report of 33-year-old lady with MS who underwent left internal jugular venoplasty (opening of the narrowing) resulting in jugular thrombosis (clot) requiring open removal of the clot (thrombectomy) for symptom relief. This occurred without insertion of a stent and while fully anticoagulated (drugs to  thin the blood an preventing clotting). 

Conclusion: MS'ers and Clinicians should be aware that endovenous treatment ofCCSVI could cause paradoxical deterioration of cerebral venous drainage. MS'ers with complications post venoplasty are now presenting to geographically distant vascular units.

"If you have any procedures done for CCSVI please be aware of the complications; some may require urgent intervention"